These figures are scorced from the Central Satistics Office and include scooters as the CSO make on distinction between mtorcycles and scooters. I have attemped to make the information as clear as possible, and will be updated as new information becomes available.
New Motorcycle sold through dealers and suppliers in Ireland. In 2023 Honda sold 857, Yamana 528, BMW 325, Suzuki 204, Kawasaki 98, Piaggio 94, KTM 87 Triumph 83 and other no specified makes 441.
Second-hand: The term 'second-hand vehicles' refers to imported used vehicles which are licensed for use in a public place, in this country, for the first time.
Please note that the scaling on the charts below is different. The numbers are larger than in the previous graphs because I wanted to make the data easier to compare. The graphs above are set to a maximum of 7,000, while the ones below go up to 11,000.